The Way to Victory Surah Al-Rum (The Romans): An Instructive Model Part 4

Surah Al-Rum (The Romans): An Instructive Model – Part 4

  1. The narrative of Taaruf تَعارُف :

The narrative of the “superpower” is based on oppression “But those who unjustly follow their desires without knowledge.” [30:29], and corruption “Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by what the hands of people have earned.” [30:41].

Surah Al-Rum presents a diametrically opposite narrative for treating the Other based on three major pillars:

  1. The common origin of humanity:

All humans are created equally from dust.

“Among His signs is this, that He created you from dust; and then you are humans scattered.” [30:20]

Adam (PBUH), the first human being, was created from dust.

“The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created Him from dust, then said to him: Be and He was.” [3:59]

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “All of you belong to Adam, and Adam is from dust.”

Humans share a common origin and a common destination.

“Allah begins creation, then repeats it, then you shall be brought back to Him.” [30:11]

Dust is also an essential component of the Universe. Therefore, humans and the Universe are not strangers to each other. They are related and must treat each other as friends and not as foes. The Universe provides for us and is always open to answering our questions.

“And measured in the Earth all nourishment in due proportions in four Days as equal opportunity for all who ask.” [41:10]

Humans have all the right to explore the Universe and civilize the Earth without conquering or invasion.

“It is He Who has produced you from the earth and asked you to settle therein.” [11:61]

The relationship, therefore, between humans themselves and between them and the Universe is that of protection and cooperation.

  1. Gender diversity:

Creation in pairs is a universal phenomenon.

“And of everything We have created pairs so that you may recognize and bear in mind.” [51:49]

This phenomenon is seen in all creation- in humans, in the animal kingdom, in plants and in the rest of the Universe in the form of matter and anti-matter.

“Glory to Allah who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own humankind and other things they have no knowledge.” [36:36]

Marriage is the oldest human institution, as old as the creation of man. Allah created the human from one self, and from that one self He created Adam and his mate. One is from another “You are one from another.” [3:195]

Consequently, each one needs the other, and within the institution of marriage they cooperate to re-establish the condition of one self in its origin of balance and equilibrium. Humans are capable of building institutions, but when it comes to values: do not build but always plant and nurture. Tranquility or Sakina, love or Mawadda, and mercy or Rahma are values that must be nurtured within the institution of marriage.

“And among His signs is this that He created for you mates from yourselves that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between you.” [30:21]

  1. Diversity of color and language:

The believers in Mekka at the time of revelation of Surah Al- Rum were being prepared for future contact with different nations and cultures who may have different skin colors and speak different languages.

“And among His signs is the creation of heaven and earth and the variations in your languages and colors.” [30:22]

These differences must not be a reason for conflict and clash but an opportunity for cooperation in an environment of mutual recognition. Quran would refer to this later in Medina as “Taaruf”. “Taaruf” is the process to know and be known by others. It is the creation of an environment for people of different backgrounds to learn together, to learn about each other, and to learn from each other. “Taaruf goes beyond “tolerance” into valuing, respecting, and engaging the Other. The objective of this paradigm is to establish and uphold “Maaruf””مَعْرُوف”. “Maaruf” is linguistically related to “Taaruf” and literally means “known”. Quran refers to all high values collectively as “Maaruf” because they are common and evidently known to all humanity like justice, mercy, love, forgiveness etc… They are all derived from the Beautiful Names of Allah.

The world required a new paradigm, a counter narrative to that of the “superpower” that prevailed in the Seventh Century CE. Today, there is a greater need for the paradigm of “Taaruf” between humans and the Universe, between males and females, and between different communities on this earth. “Taaruf” remains the “raison d’etre” and the only paradigm capable of spreading peace and equality.

“O Mankind! We have created you from a single pair: a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you know each other.” [49:13]   

By Dr. Walid Khayr

About The Author

Imam Kifah Mustapha

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