Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Practicing Islam: In Islam there are five acts of worship which are mandatory on every Muslim. Excused from some of these practices are people of illness, under duress, being unaware, those travelling, children under puberty, and people facing general unpreventable problems. These five acts of worship are: The Witness, Prayer, Charity, […]
Pillars of Belief

The Six Pillars of Belief for Muslims: When it comes to faith and belief, Muslims are very clear in what they believe in. The six pillars of faith in Islam make the Islamic theology which dictates the manner of how Muslims comprehend and view reality, fixed notions about life, will and conscience. The prophet Mohammad […]

Giving charity or Zakat was ordained on Muslims with its details in the second year of Hijra, but the concept of Zakat itself was introduced during Makkah time. Allah (SW) said in Surat (Al An’am; The Cattle), a Makki Surah: {And give (to the poor) what is rightfully due on the day of its harvest} […]
Conditions for Prayer

When performing Salah there are requirements called (shuroot) or conditions which need to be met before starting Salah. If the fulfillment of any one of these conditions is missed then the Salah is invalid. Islam: Acts of worship are not accepted without the person being a Muslim. Allah said: {Yet truly it has been revealed to […]