Dear Patient One

Dear Patient One, You are strong and empowering. You strive to make the world a better place. Society sees you as a just another individual, doing your part in this world. You have struggled and grieved. But, does that stop you? Everyday you wake up with a smile on your face because spreading happiness makes […]
Malcolm X’s Letter from Hajj

Mecca, Saudia Arabia – April 1964 Never have I witnessed such sincere hospitality and overwhelming spirit of true brotherhood as is practiced by people of all colors and races here in this ancient Holy Land, the home of Abraham, Muhammad and all the other Prophets of the Holy Scriptures. For the past week, I have […]
Hajj Rituals-The Path of Taqwa

Every year millions of people around the world apply for visas hoping for a chance to perform the last Pillar of Islam, Hajj. In many countries, and because of the vast number of applicants, regulations limit the number of people allowed. It is just a sign of how many people feel the connection to this […]
Is It Selfish?

Is it selfish to want to matter, To want to want to live to see your family another day? Don’t know if that is greed, but all I do know is that nothing in this world is guaranteed. Is it selfish to want justice For all those lives lost from police brutality? Well, here is […]
Memories of Hajj

It would seem that growing up seeing pictures of the Kaabah all around, hanging somewhere in the home of seemingly every person you know, on book covers and Eid cards, computer screensavers and even jewelry, and watching the images of millions of pilgrims year after year circling the Kaabah on a small television screen would […]
الحج في غير مكة
وهل حقاً يكون الحج في غير مكة؟! نعم، إذا حجَّت قلوبنا وعقولنا وأفكارنا، إذا أطلقنا مشاعرنا وعواطفنا، وطُفنا في الآفاق الرحيبة، ويمَّمْنا شطر تلك الديار، من بقاع الأرض شتى، إلى الحجاز، لنسعى بين جنبات التاريخ من البداية إلى النهاية، ثم نعرج على ما بينهما، ثم نزدلف إلى ما بين أيدينا لعلنا أن ننال المنى، مع […]