Is Life Fair?

There once was a very wealthy Islamic scholar by the name of Ibn Hazm. One of Ibn Hazm’s flaws was that he often got into heated debates. More often than not, he won. During one of his debates with a man who was not as wealthy, Ibn Hazm won again because he was able to […]
Qur’an: A Guide for Modern Scientists Pt 2

Article #2. Tafseer and Translations of the Qur’an Scholars of the Qur’an agree that each word in the Qur’an is uniquely selected and cannot be replaced with similar words without losing some of the intended meaning. Many of the verses that carry scientific information used words that are infrequently used in the Quran. Therefore, one […]
الشتاء ربيع المؤمن
أيام قليلة تفصلنا عن بداية فصل لطالما انتظرته الأرض العطشى، ولطالما استبشر العباد بما فيه من البركة والخير، والرحمة والرزق المبارك، فصل بارد، البرد فيه تهابه النفوس وترتجف له الأبدان، ربما ينزعج البعض منه، ويتمنون ألا يأتي وألا يكون، لكن للمؤمن فيه حال مختلف، يعلم أن هذا الفصل فصل العطاء، يوم تجود السماء بأمر الله […]
I’m Taking Off My Hijab

With the rising occurrences of hate incidents nationwide, we all know that removing Hijab is becoming a real concern on our sisters’ minds. I doubt that the sisters who might be considering this are dropping the idea of Hijab from their conscience as a religious practice, rather it is the fear for one’s safety, and […]