The Essence of Life Lessons

Humans of Orland Park is a project that aims to provide a glimpse into the lives of the people of Orland Park, one story at a time. The content provided in this piece is taken from interviews with our anonymous subjects. The views, opinions, or positions expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect the […]

One People Under God

The doctrine or belief in monotheism that there is only one God resonates in the core of Islamic theology. Although definitively the term “monotheism” relates to the belief in one God, it also relates that the entity of God is one, and furthermore that we’re all equal under Him. When one embraces Islam, he or […]

The Shoe

Destruction, the scenery around A reporter astonished by what she has found In the rubble, they lay without sound Body after body, stacked into a mound Though this area may not be the place she calls home, The reporter stands tall and as stiff as stone She realizes it’s not only her mind, but the […]

Creation of the Skies, the Earth, and All Living Things

In verses (21:30-32) ALLAH, subhanahu wa ta’ala, stated several scientific facts: (1) that all objects in the universe (heavens and earth) started as one entity, (2) HE then separated them, (3) all living things are made of water, (4) HE placed in earth mountains to provide balance and in earth HE made pathways to guide […]

احْذَرِ الرَّقيبْ

أرسل له صديقه المحب على هاتفه رسالة طويلة عبر البرامج المجانية للهواتف الذكية، تحثه على العمل لخدمة قضية معينة أو أمر معين، وطفق يقصُّ عليه القصص التاريخية لأشخاص قضوْا ورحلوا عن هذه الدنيا، ويسرد أحاديث منسوبة لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لتدلل على صحة هذا الفعل أو ذاك، ولتكون حجة ودليلاً على كل من […]

Divorce, Kids, and Money

You can say goodbye and flush all the love, intimacy, nights out and family gatherings down the drain as the darkness of divorce can block all those memories and even make it seem like a dark past. Very few people, in my experience, end marriage in the type of ethical divorce described in the Quran […]

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