This is not a Seerah article about the life of the prophet (SAAW) but rather a glimpse into his characteristics as mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah. Many times when reading the Seerah, people focus on the historical events during the life of our prophet (SAAW) where much of it had to do with battles and conflicts. Such limited knowledge of his life and character fails to give the true honor to the beloved (SAAW) as Allah (SW) wanted us to know him. (SAAW)

The Praised

Mohammad and Ahmad were both names mentioned in reference to the Prophet (SAAW) in the Quran. {Mohammad is the messenger of God} 48:29; {a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad} 61:6. Both names originate from the word (Hamd) which, linguistically, combines honor in characteristics and the praise for the good qualities. Mohammad means the one who is most praised by others for his great characteristics: {and [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][We] raised you for your renown} 94:4. Allah (SW) sends His blessings onto him, angels praise him and people on a daily basis send their prayers and Salam to him. (SAAW)

Ahmad means the one who is most able to praise God in the best of manners. In the Hadith, he (SAAW) referred to himself as the highest of Taqwa and piety. “Indeed, I am the highest of Taqwa among you.”[1]

The Messenger

As mentioned in the verse before, Mohammad (SAAW) is the messenger of God, and in the verse it described his mission as Messenger and that he was sent by God. His mission was to deliver the last revelation with no interference by anyone in its content ever. No human, angel or even jinn had any ability to add or remove any part of this message. The messenger (SAAW) delivered the message as part of his mission exactly as he heard it from angel Jibreel and exactly as angel Jibreel heard it from God.

In addition to that, God defined His messenger Mohammad SAAW as one of the human-race {a messenger from among themselves} 62:2, in response to the request of the pagans of Quraish, when they demanded an angel type of a messenger! Humanity, indeed, has always gone extreme with special people chosen by God. The women at the time of prophet Yusuf called him an angel – {this is no human! This is none other than a most gracious angel} 12:31. Some Jews went far by calling Ezra the son of God while Christians called Issa the son of God! {The Jews say: Ezra is the son of God and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of God} 9:30.

This reference to the prophet (SAAW) as part of the human race did prevent believers from treating him in a holy or sacred status. He (SAAW) was calling to the simple fact that all people are equal under God, and he (SAAW) demonstrated this message himself by asking people not to praise him but rather call him the servant and the messenger of God. “Do not praise me the same way Christians praised Jesus, son of Mary, just say the servant of God and His messenger.”[2]

The Mercy

{For We have sent you as none other than a mercy to all the world} 21:107. Mercy is one of the attributes of God {the All-Merciful, Mercy-Giving}, and it is an honorable ethical manner for anyone to attain, as the prophet (SAAW) said: “People of mercy shall enjoy the mercy from God.”[3]  But for the prophet (SAAW), mercy was not something he had to work to acquire or attain, it was instilled in him, and everything about him (SAAW) was mercy (Rahmah).

After the harsh treatment towards the prophet (SAAW) from the people of Thaqeef in Al-Ta’ef, angel Jibreel came with the angel of mountains asking permission to destroy them and people of Makkah, but the prophet (SAAW), out of his mercy, hoped that from their progeny, a generation of believers would come, and indeed, that is exactly what happened.

After conquering Makkah, Abu Sufian expected that it would be a day of bloodshed for revenge, but the prophet (SAAW) said: “Today is the day of extra merciful treatment, today is an honorable day for Quraish.”[4] The references of the mercy of the prophet (SAAW) are countless – with kids, family, friends, even enemies and animals. His words, his actions, and his whole lifestyle were spreading mercy on them all.

The Kawthar

Many people memorize Surat Al-Kawthar because it is short and easy to memorize. Some people think that it only refers to the river in Heaven called Al-Kawthar that Allah (SW) had promised his prophet (SAAW), but as Ibn A’bbas said: “Al-Kawthar is the abundant goodness that God granted his prophet. (SAAW)”[5] A person came to the great Tabe’ie Saied Ibn Al-Jubair and said: “People are saying that Al-Kawthar is only the river in Heaven!” Saied replied: “The river is part of Al-Kawthar that Allah (SW) promised him. (SAAW)”

Prophecy, miracles, the vast number of followers, his characteristics, the Quran and everything about him (SAAW) was part of the Kawthar that Allah (SW) has granted him. In chapters Al-Duha and Al-Sharh, Allah (SW) spoke of many blessings that He (SW) bestowed on His prophet (SAAW). Allah (SW) sheltered, guided, enriched, lifted burdens, praised, and promised him ease, and indeed, all of that is just part of Al-Kawthar for the prophet (SAAW).

Your Prophet

Every one of us should feel honored and proud that Allah (SW) chose us to be Muslims following the path of the beloved prophet Mohammad (SAAW). We ask Allah (SW) to send His blessings unto him, and to grant us a sip of drink from his honorable hands, and to join us with him in Heaven at the Day of Judgment, Ameen.

By Sh Kifah Mustapha


[1] Bukhari

[2] Bukhari

[3] Tirmizi

[4] Bukhari

[5] Bukhari[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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