Orland Park Prayer Center

The Prayer Center of Orland Park

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Very few names are mentioned in the Quran, and that’s through the wisdom of Allah ﷻ. Therefore, we know that if Allah ﷻ chose to mention a name in the Holy Quran, it’s for a reason. Have you ever wondered who Luqman (AS) was? Why is his story and name worthy of being mentioned by none other than Allah ﷻ Himself?

During the early stages of Islam in Mecca, rasulallah ﷺ would often try to combat the idea of shirk, or idolatry. The people of Quraysh would have a difficult time understanding the concept of leaving the practices and traditions of their forefathers, mainly because of their arrogance. When rasulallah brought this idea of one God, it struck them like it was the very first time they had heard of this, but in reality, it was mentioned in their old traditions and folktales as well. They sarcastically responded to the prophet ﷺ and said what do you know about Luqman? Allah ﷻ being The All-Knowing and The All-Hearing, revealed unto the prophet ﷺ the passage of Luqman. Now keep in mind that Luqman, like many of the scholars have said, was not a prophet, but just a wise man with lessons for us to learn from even till this very day. Allah ﷻ revealed his story for us to learn and benefit from, but also to let the people of Quraysh know that the Muslims are aware of Luqman and his wisdom. The idea of the oneness of God was not something new that has never been preached before.

The passage of Luqman (AS) is one that Allah ﷻ narrates Himself. A passage in which Luqman (AS) gives his son advice. I like to sum up the advice in four main points: Do not commit shirk or do not give the rights that belong to Allah ﷻ to someone or something else; be dutiful to your parents; establish prayer and be patient in your journey; be humble, respectful, and carry yourself with the utmost appropriate standards befitting of a Muslim.

If we were to talk in depth on this profound advice from Luqman (AS) to his son, this article would turn into a novel. The simplicity of this advice is so profound because it gets very deep. Luqman (AS) tells his son not to commit shirk because shirk is the biggest form of oppression to oneself. To place yourself in the category of those who commit shirk is to make yourself amongst the people who are in the darkest of places in this life and the next. It prohibits an individual from living a sincere and happy life full of serenity. If someone wouldn’t want that for themselves, why would they want it for others let alone their very own child? Luqman (AS) advises his son to be good to his parents because we know that the pleasure of Allah ﷻ is in the pleasure of one’s parents. Even if your parents try and convince you to disobey Allah ﷻ, then with respect and kindness you object. Even then Allah ﷻ tells you to respect them and be kind. Luqman (AS) then advises to establish prayer. When one establishes prayer it’s different than just praying, because it means that once you’ve established prayer you also have allowed the prayer to impact your actions outside of the prayer, which is the ultimate goal. On top of that he says to be patient with whatever comes your way. Whatever Allah ﷻ has in store for you, be patient with the journey and the process because Allah ﷻ is The Most Wise. Lastly, Luqman (AS) advises his son to be humble, respectful, and to carry himself with the utmost appropriate standards befitting of a Muslim. Not thinking that you’re better than anyone else, not having pride or showing off are traits of the believers. We recognize that Allah ﷻ gave us these gifts, and in return we should be grateful and thankful. Luqman (AS) advises his son not to walk around as if you are untouchable or speak in an obnoxious way, because we are all slaves to Allah ﷻ and will return to Allah ﷻ. Our actions are paramount as Muslims. May Allah ﷻ allow us to implement this profound advice in our own lives.

By Sh. Hassan Natour



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