“As a mother, this sickens me to see things like this happening in 2018. It is reported that at least 2,700 children have been split from their parents since his zero-tolerance policy has been put in place. All of this happening is so surreal. It seems something this inhuman would only happen maybe 40, 50 years ago. Did you know that several parents have been lied to about the whereabouts of their children by border patrol? When being taken away, they simply said they would just give the children a bath or some excuse like that. I don’t blame any desperate parent for believing this since the alternative is something they shouldn’t have to imagine. There is documentation of hundreds of cases of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse done to these children by border patrol. How is a child supposed to live after this trauma? To develop properly? How are these children and these families supposed to fight against a power-hungry leader who has no regard for human life or a basic moral compass? People actually agree with his policies! The UN, our United Nations, has even been calling out the United States saying that separating migrant families is a human rights violation. Regardless of what your political stance may be, this is something that unnecessarily harms innocent children, that much should be clear. All I can say is may Allah grant these families ease in their times of hardship.”

“That Day will every soul be requited for what it earned; no injustice will there be that Day, for Allah is Swift in taking account. Surah Ghafir:17

By Maryam Mohamed

Humans of Orland Park is a project that aims to provide a glimpse into the lives of the people of Orland Park, one story at a time. The content provided in this piece is taken from interviews with our anonymous subjects. The views, opinions, or positions expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or positions of the Orland Park Prayer Center. 

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