Orland Park Prayer Center

The Prayer Center of Orland Park

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What is your responsibility to the world?

Have you ever stopped to wonder what that means…?

One of my college professors had presented this question to us, and let me tell you, we were all stumped.

Think about it though… what is your responsibility to the world?

To the world, to others, the economy, and so on…

It consists of multiple factors, where there are so many responsibilities that we do not even realize.

Sometimes we are responsible for others… or we think we have to be.

You can also be seen as “selfish” and only be responsible for yourself.

Religion plays a factor in this as well… we are responsible to obey God in every aspect.

Yet, where does it begin?

Where does it fall into place?

The amount of times I have caught myself questioning what this actually means is astonishing.

To understand that responsibility is not just an action,

No, it is more than that.

It is a way of portraying who you are as a person, as an individual,

Where do you stand.

Take a look at what’s happening in the world,

Who is responsible for the chaos,

The Havoc that disturbs our so-called “peace.”

Who is responsible for the number of deaths that have taken place in the last year?

Realize that everyone carries responsibilities, but it is not only an action.

When we are responsible, fear is presented

When we fear, failure comes into play.

I still to this day do not know how to answer, the question,

Yet I have a better grasp of what it means.

No one is really “responsible” to the world.

We choose to be, but we do not have to.

By Ayah Isa



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