Constant Struggle

If there is one constant in our ever changing life, it is struggle. In many verses of the Quran and Hadiths of Rasulullah (SAAW), references to the state of constant struggle are mentioned when the entity of the human being is defined. When the prophet (SAAW) spoke about the truest names to be given to […]
Divorce and its Ramifications

Islam gave both men and women the right to seek divorce if all efforts to live a life of harmony have failed. This provision is amongst the many mercies of Allah (subhanahu wata’ala). Divorce should never be taken lightly. Although Allah (subhanahu wata’ala) didn’t forbid divorce, the prophet (salla Allahu alaihiwasalam) said, “The most hated […]
Things That Revoke Wudu

Among the eleven things that revoke your Wudu are three that all scholars agreed upon. These three are: Anything that passes from the private parts such as urine, gas and stool. Excluded from that would be the semen as it requires a ghusl, or a full shower. Allah said: {Or any of you comes after […]
Time for a Change

I’m going to be extremely blunt, our generation is in serious trouble. We care more about the amount of followers we have on social media rather than the friends themselves. We care more about Snapchatting our food, instead of actually consuming it and feeling thankful. It’s sad that some people actually forget the fact that […]