Sacrifice and the Journey of Hijrah: Welcoming 1438 H.

I was born in 1968, only one year after the second major “Hijrah” of the Palestinian people from the West Bank, which came 19 years after the first one in 1948. More than half of the Palestinian population were forced out of their country by the Israeli occupation, and till now a whole new generation […]
إني مهاجر إلى ربي

ما أن ينتهي شهر الله ذو الحجة، ويرحل حاملاً معه البركة التي احتوتها أيامه وساعاته، حتى يستقبلك العام الهجري الجديد بشهر الله محرم. انتهى العام الهجري بأجمل ما ينتهي به عام، انتهى بطاعات وقُربات قدمها الحجاج المُلَبُّون في رحاب الله الطاهرة، وانتهى بتضحيات وأضاحي قدمها أبناء هذه الأمة في شتى بقاع الأرض، رغبة بما عند […]
Free Yourself from the Chains of Gluttony

Have you ever really thought about what you eat? What if everything was completely different? Allah (SWT) could have created blocks or globs of nutrition, some kind of complete food source with no variation of taste or smell or color or texture, had He so willed. It could have been something that humans just ingest […]
People Who Make a Difference

People who make a difference are very clear in who they are and what they are doing. The level of change in “making a difference” for them depends on the universal values they carry which are not limited to time, place or ethnicity. These people originate their approach to “make a difference” on the basis […]
Getting to Know Your Writers

Humans of Orland Park is a project that aims to provide a glimpse into the lives of the people of Orland Park, one story at a time. The content provided in this piece is taken from interviews with our subjects. What makes you Muslim? Islam is more than just believing in Allah swt, it […]
Job of Patience

Wealth. Family. Health. Those are the three things every single person hopes to have and maintain throughout their life; this is unarguable. Although, for us Muslims, our faith comes above all of that. There is no man or woman who has all of that to perfection. However, there is one man who, for a great […]