A New Language

Ring! Ring! Aunt Amal: As-salamu alaykum Sarah: Wa alaykum as-salam, how are you, my dear Khalto? Aunt Amal: I’ve been doing great alhamdulillah. How has your family been doing? How is your    neighbor? Sarah: Alhamdulillah, everyone has been doing well. We are planning on going to Uncle Mohammad’s house this weekend. Can’t wait to meet […]

Laughter in a Moment

When you think of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), what comes to mind? Perfect? Amazing? One of the greatest and most influential men to walk this Earth? When most people describe the Prophet (SAW), many words pop into their heads, but “comical” and “funny” are not one of those words. Although the Prophet’s main purpose […]

My Love

Humans of Orland Park is a project that aims to provide a glimpse into the lives of the people of Orland Park, one story at a time. The content provided in this piece is taken from interviews with our anonymous subjects. “I was in the third grade when I met my first love. I was […]


Dear Someone, I know the feeling you have inside right now. You feel as though you are slipping away from reality. Sometimes your mind wanders so far away, you don’t even want to believe there is one. You feel comfortable and content living in your head. Your mind is a theme park and your problems […]

Qur’an: A Guide for Modern Scientists

Article #1. Introduction This is the first of a series depicting scientific facts stated in the Qur’an and what scientists are saying about these topics. Many scholars have written books, articles and made presentations about science and the Qur’an. I am truly humbled by their contributions. It is not my objective or my intention to […]

أجر Ajara

اجار، أجورا، أجرٌ، يأجر، استأجر To reward, pay wages, hire or employ. The word has been used mainly in the Quran in relation to the rewards Allah (SW) will give His servants on the Day of Judgment. The best example is the famous statement said by many prophets and messengers like Noah, Hud, Salih, lot […]

ومن مثل محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم في تعامله مع زوجته؟

لا بد أنك مررتَ بمواقف من السيرة العطرة لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، إما قارئاً لها وإما مستمعاً لراويها، ولا بد ارتسمت ابتسامة على ثغرك سروراً بموقف، ولا بد انحدرت دمعة على خديك حزناً لآخر.. لا بد أن يكون لك حظك من هذه السيرة العطرة، الملأى بالفوائد والدرر، التي قال الله في حقها وحق […]

I Don’t Care

Does this ring a bell? The mother asks her son: “Mama, can you stay with your little brother while I take your grandma to the doctor?” And the son replies: NOOO! You stay with them! Why ME, why not Leila! They are YOUR kids not MINE, I Don’t Care.” Does this ring a bell? The […]

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