Miracles of the Prophets

The Prophets, peace be upon them all, faced many challenges including (1) Prove that they are Prophets sent by ALLAH, subhanahu wata’ala. (2) Convince people to leave their existing beliefs and believe in the messages of the Prophets, and (3) Overcome the pressures from the people in power to follow the Prophets and risk losing […]
We Are One

Our beloved prophet (pbuh) compared this ummah to a body. If a single part of the body was in pain, the entire body suffered. Similarly, if a single person in this ummah suffers, we all do. Often, this hadith is used to make us, who have the luxury of living in a country that is […]

Burn I burn from the flames of the other…..hot, hot I think I understand I didn’t ask but it’s what I’ve got -a lot. I am clear and I am strong I turn, twirl and whirl, in a world of decadent delusion forming a false fusion wrong illusion of life A tree bearing fruit with […]
Faith’s Roller Coaster: Restrained Comprehension

As you begin to look into any religious beliefs (or lack of), you realize there are many things that your mind will never be able to comprehend. The experience could be frustrating, confusing, humbling, or all three. However, as you learn more, you notice things that you admire, and that admiration overpowers any frustration and […]
فقه الروح

في مسارات الحياة و منعطفاتها تتشكل شخصياتنا بكافة جوانبها.. جسداً، عقلاً و روحاً و لمّا كَانت النفس تهوى الدَّعةَ و الراحة، كان لزاماً على سُنّةِ الأيّام أن تتبدل كي تتمحّص النفس.. و من البديهيّ أن يسعد الإنسان بملذات الحياة {قلْ مَنْ حَرَّمَ زِينَةَ اللَّهِ الَّتِي أَخْرَجَ لِعِبَادِهِ وَالطَّيِّبَاتِ مِنَ الرِّزْقِ ۚ قُلْ هِيَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا […]
The Status of Non-Religiosity in Our Community

From time to time, I hear from our youth about a young person who claims he has left Islam and become an atheist or agnostic. Most of the time, the news leaves parents in denial or worry, close friends in shock, and for the general Muslim community unfortunately nothing but new gossip to spread. The […]
مع زوجات النبي صلى الله عليه وس

نحن في السنة الخامسة للهجرة، والمدينة المنورة تضج بالحياة، وتتزين أرجاؤها فرحاً وابتهاجاً بنصر الله لنبيه الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم ولمن معه من المؤمنين، على الأحزاب الذين تجمعوا وتحالفوا لاجتثاث جذور دين الله، وأنّى لهم! نصَر الله عبده وهزم الأحزاب وحده، وانتهت المعركة بهروب الأحزاب منكسرين خائبين، كلٌ يرجو الخلاص لنفسه، مخلّفين وراءهم عدتهم […]