Is It Really Atheism?

Growing up in the Middle East back in the seventies, I witnessed many young men and women joining political parties that adopted capitalism, socialism, communism and atheism. That was the popular culture at the time, especially for young adults, as the allure of such groups was to embrace a sense of identity and empowerment after […]

اتْرُكْ أَثَرَاً

حان وقت كتابة هذا المقال، وانتهى رمضان، ومضى العيد، وما زلت أتردد فيمَ أكتب وعن أي شيء أتحدث! وكأن الأفكار تطايرت وتناثرت، وكأن رمضان استنفد حتى أفكارنا… لم أفتأ هكذا حتى وقعت يدي على كتاب لشيخ شامي جليل، توفاه الله منذ سنوات، لكنه خلف وراءه إرثاً عظيماً من العلم تتوارثه الأجيال من بعده وتحيي ذكر […]

Prayer (Salaat) in Islam (Pt 1)

Prayer in Islam may affect and direct social change. In this article, we will analyze the components of prayer to examine its social and cultural implications. Qiblah; the symbol of goal and purpose Islam introduced the concept of Qiblah into our daily lives. The Qiblah is the symbol of goal and purpose. The Ka’bah in […]

It Hurts

It hurts. It hurts to see a friendship die It hurts to see your mother cry It hurts to be judged over and over It hurts to live when stress takes over It hurts to think you could have been better It hurts to think during stormy weather It hurts to act like everything is […]

Ramadan Camp

The Quran Academy Ramadan Camp this year was a success, alhamdulillah! The program was tailored for children ages 4 to 14 years old focusing on Quran, Islamic values, tafseer, and activities adapted to each age range. In the camp, students went over a Hadith of the day, learned lessons about many of the Sahaba, and […]

ثروتك بعد رمضان ماذا أخبرت الله

هل أخبرته ما الذي أفرط مهجة قلبك ؟ هل شكوت له حالك وضعفك وفقرك ؟ هل أخبرته أنك محتاجٌ إليه .. وأنّك لا تقدر على شيء دون عونه .. هل أخبرته بذنوبك وإسرافك على نفسك ودعوته أن يخلّصك منها ويهديك لدربه ؟ هل أخبرته أنّ الدّنيا أتعبتك وأنّك مشتاقٌ لراحة الآخرة ! هل أخبرته عن […]


where do you draw the fine line between your country and mine you call it a Border, say it removes chaos, disorder uproots disarray but really it’s twisted like a double helix, my DNA says my structure’s the same as another person’s across the line who got a heart & soul just like mine. but […]

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