
I find it hard to understand how you managed when you lost your land The empty houses and crumbled wells Are signs of misery which you felt The kilos walked The family lost Broken olive trees scattered You began to wonder what really mattered But amidst all you encountered Your Sabr was oh so powerful […]

Active Shooter Response Drill & Safety Measures

After the horrific terrorist attack on Muslims as they attended Friday Prayer in New Zealand, the Prayer Center took swift action to educate its congregants about safety protocol in the unlikely event that such an attack were to happen here. The Arab American Police Association brought many officers from Chicago and the suburbs to present […]

السلام في الإسلام

تعريف السلام: السلام اسم من أسماء الله الحسنى ومعناه الأمان لخلقه[1]. قال ابن منظور: “والسلام؛ الله عز وجل، اسم من أسمائه لسلامته من النقص والفناء.” وقيل إنه السلام أي سلِم مما يلحق الغير من آفات النقص والفناء، وأنه الباقي الدائم الذي تفنى الخلق ولا يفنى، وهو على كل شيء قدير. والجنة سمّاها ربنا في كتابه […]


The thing about people is that, when they are faced with an obstacle, their first instinct is to automatically act in rage. Instead of taking an outlook that obstacles will be a beneficial concept, we decide to view them in an adverse way. I believe we live in a world that contributes to each person’s […]

المذهبية الفقهية بين الاعتناق والانعتاق

من عجيب ما ذكره الرحالة ابن بطوطة في رحلته، أن الصلاة كانت تقام في المسجد الحرام بمكة المكرمة بأربع جماعات، حيث يصلي أتباع كل مذهب من المذاهب الأربعة خلف إمام مستقل، قال: ويدخل على الناس من ذلك سهو وتخليط، فربّما ركع المالكي بركوع الشافعي، وسجد الحنفي بسجود الحنبلي، وتراهم مصيخين كلّ أحد إلى صوت المؤذن […]

OPPC Youth Leaders Complete Mental Health First Aid Training

Our youth leaders often work with young teenagers and junior high kids who are suffering through depression and suicidal thoughts. Often, these kids turn to our youth because of the trust they’ve built with them and the comfort they feel within the programs at the masjid. On February 23rd, the American Muslim Health Professionals in […]

Universal Phenomena in Quran: Balance and Equilibrium

A culture of Balance and Justice is the model and the prototype for humans to strive for, as they come together to establish an organic and dynamic society: “Thus We have made of you an Umma justly balanced.” [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” […]

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