Healthcare Workers, the Honorable Mission in Islam

A few months have passed now since the COVID-19 pandemic invaded our lives, holding people hostage in their homes, preventing people from working, and completely changing the social dynamic and lifestyle that humans were used to. Yet while everyone was ordered to stay home and away from their jobs, healthcare workers were expected to put […]

New Paradigms in the Practice of Giving (Part 1)

Giving is a universal human phenomenon. It is practiced everywhere and by different nations and cultures. The celebrated sociologist of religion, Max Weber said: “In Islam, the giving of alms was one of the five commandments incumbent upon members of the faith. Giving of alms was the good work enjoined in ancient Hinduism, in Confucianism, […]

!العُنْصُرِيَّةُ جَهْلْ

عنصري قاتل! هكذا يصف الناس ذلك الشرطي الذي كان سبباً في مقتل “جورج فلويد” الأمريكي من أصل إفريقي، ولا أقول الأسود؛ إذا أنها صفة تصلح لكل شيء إلا للبشر، متى كان البشر يصنفون وِفقَ ألوانهم؟ من الذي ابتدع هذه البدعة المقيتة؟ ألا يكفي أن يكون أحدنا بشرياً ثم يُلحق بهذا أي وصف يناسبه ويصف شخصيته؟! […]

Western Beauty

          Did you hear?        Another one of us is dead… And stripped away of our innocence #Black Lives Matter is all you see      Do you know why that is? It is to get attention and build awareness in the world  Do you know who the responsibility falls on?   One with the powers […]

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