Where is God?

This is a question we know comes to everyone’s minds to varying degrees when we witness atrocities and calamities around us. For the past eight weeks, we have been witnessing one of the most horrific atrocities of the 21st century taking place in Gaza. Nothing is spared from bombing; schools, hospitals, homes, shelters, streets. Innocent […]
Habits of Character

Prophet Mohammad (ﷺ) used to pray to Allah saying: “O Allah! Beautify my character as you have beautified my creation.” Two categories of habits must be recognized: Habits of the arts, judged by things produced i.e., habits of making. Habits of character reflect the doer i.e., habits of doing. According to Quran, both types of […]
The Truth and Falsehood

الحق والباطل خلق الله تعالى الحياة لعبادته، ولتدور المعركة بين عبّاده وأوليائه من جهة، وبين الشياطين من بني إبليس من جهة. فهي معركة قدّرها الله لتكون منذ بداية الحياة ولا تنتهي إلا بنهايتها. وما نراه اليوم من صولة للباطل وما يتعرض له المسلمون من محن وشدائد واستضعاف وصد عن سبيل الله قد أفرز عند […]