Half empty
Half full
Half a mind
Half a body
Half a soul
Half a heart
The world is an art
Half black
Half white
Half dark
Half light
Half day
Half night
Half and half make a whole
Not a quarter
Doesn’t matter how young or old
Half of a pair is one
But two halves make it done
Everything has a pair
Don’t you see?
The sun
The moon
Even you and me!
Like a bucket and a well
Or even Heaven and Hell
They either compare or contrast
But in the end
They last
Everything has a pair
It was written once before
Everything has a pair
Like a knob to a door
That close
So exact
Written by Allah
Perfection, it does not lack
Half empty
Half full
Half and half
make a whole
Everything is a half
Like the birds and the trees
Everything is half
Even you and me
We are halves
Roaming the earth
aimlessly free
We are halves
All Praises to Allah,
Only He knows where we’ll be.

By Yasmeen Sheikah

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