The Six Pillars of Belief for Muslims:

When it comes to faith and belief, Muslims are very clear in what they believe in. The six pillars of faith in Islam make the Islamic theology which dictates the manner of how Muslims comprehend and view reality, fixed notions about life, will and conscience.

The prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said when asked about faith, “(It is) to believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, His messengers, Day of Judgment and Destiny (Qadar) good or bad.” Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim.

  1. Believing in God (Allah):
    • God (Allah) is One: Muslims believe in the monotheistic concept of God being one in entity. {Say: He is Allah (God). The One and only. Allah (God) the everlasting Refuge. He does not beget. Nor is He begotten. And comparable to Him, there is none.} 112:1-4.
    • God is worshiped alone: Muslims believe that acts of worship are directed to God only. Muslims do not associate anyone with God in worship nor do they pray to Him through an intercession of other deities. {[O believers!] You shall worship God [alone]. And you shall not associate anything with Him [therein].} 4:36.
    • 99 names of Allah: God is perfect in His attributes and would be described only with perfection. {Yet to God belong the most excellent names. So call upon Him with them. And leave [alone] those who profane His names. They shall be [duly] recompensed for all that they have done [in life].} 7:180.
  2. Believing in God’s Angels:
    • Muslims believe that angels are pure entities, created from light, cannot disobey God and have no divine nature.
      • Angels are pure entities. {They are [but] honored servants [of God]! They do not precede Him in speech. Rather they do [everything only] by His command.} 21:26/27.
      • Angels are created from light. The prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “Angels were created from light, demons from fire and Adam from what has been described to you [Clay].” Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim.
      • Angels would never disobey God. {They [Angels] do not disobey God in whatever He commands them. [Indeed], they do whatever they are commanded.} 6:66.
      • Angels have no divine nature. {Nor would one [so commissioned as prophet] command you to take the angels or the prophets as lords [to be worshipped]. Would he command you to disbelieve after you have become Muslims, in willing submission to God [alone].} 3:80.
    • Muslims believe that angel’s duties are assigned by God: Some angels bring revelation to prophets like Gabriel, some angels record the actions of humans, some angels only praise God, etc.
      • Angels bringing revelation. {Now, this [Quran] is, indeed, a revelation from the Lord of [all] the worlds. The trustworthy Spirit, [Gabriel,] descends with its [verses] upon your heart, [O Prophet] – so that you may become one of the [chosen] forewarners [of God nearing Judgment] – in a clear Arabic tongue.} 26:192-195.
      • Angels recording human actions. {Behold! The receiving-[angels] receive [each one’s every word and deed in life] – one on the right and one on the left – seated, [giving heed]. Not a word does one utter, but that with one is a ready observer.} 50:17/18.
      • Angels praising God. {And, indeed, it is, most surely, we who highly exalt [God] alone.} 37:166.
  3.  Believing in God’s Books:
    • Muslims believe that God revealed His Books as a guide for humanity and to regulate their relationship with Him, with themselves and with people around them.
    • Muslims recognize a book revealed to Moses (Torah), a book revealed to King David (Psalms), a book revealed to Jesus (Gospel) and a book revealed to Mohammad (Quran). Muslims believe that there could be revelations other than these Books.
    • Muslims believe that the Holy Quran is the last revelation from God to humanity. The Holy Quran is connected to the Books that preceded it but it overrules all prior revelation. It is also a guide for all aspects of life for people to follow. {Now We have sent down to you, [O Mohammad,] the Scripture [of the Quran] with the truth, as a confirmation of all the Scripture that preceded it- and as a guardian over it [to preserve divine guidance].} 5:48. {[The Quran] is not a forged tale. Rather, it is a confirmation of all [the Heavenly scriptures] that preceded it, and a distinct detailing of all things [that God had enjoined and forbidden], as well as [divine] guidance [from error] and [to the path of God’s] mercy for a people who would believe.} 12:111.
    • Muslims refer to the words and actions of prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as a second source for rulings in Islam, the term is called Sunnah. {Thus whatever the Messenger brings you [from God], then you shall take it. And whatever he has forbidden you, you shall desist from it.} 59:7.
  4. Believing in God’s prophets and messengers:
    • Muslims believe that God has chosen human beings to receive revelation from Him. {Indeed, We have sent forth among every community a messenger [with the commandment]: You shall worship God [alone] and shun [all] false deities [and objects of worship]} 16:36.
    • Around 25 prophets and messengers were mentioned by name in the Quran including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and others. {Say, [O believers]: We believe in [One] God, and [in] all that has been sent down to us [in the Quran]; and [in] all that has been sent down to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and [to] the [prophets of the] Tribes [of Israel]; and [in] all that was given to Moses and [to] Jesus; and [in] all that was given to [all] the [other] prophets from their Lord. We do not differentiate [in faith] between any of them. Thus are we Muslims, in willing submission to Him [alone]} 21:36.
    • The prophets and messengers are human beings with no divine nature. They were chosen to be righteous people; they received the revelation from God and delivered the message. {It is not conceivable for a human being to whom God gives the Scripture and good judgment and [the gift of] prophethood to say thereafter to the people: Be you worshippers of me instead of God! Rather [he would say]: Be you [well-versed and] devout servants of God [alone and exemplify His way], in that you have been teaching the scripture, and in that you have been studying [it]} 3:79.
    • Muslims believe that Mohammad (PBUH) is the last messenger from God. He was sent as a mercy to mankind and he is the example and the role model of the characteristics God wants humans to follow. {Mohammad is not the [natural] father of any of the men among you. Yet he is the messenger of God and the Seal of Prophets.} 33:40
  5. Believing in the Day of Judgment:
    • Muslims believe in life after death. {How can you [human beings] disbelieve in God when you were [once] lifeless, and He gave you life; then he causes you to die; then He shall [again] give you life; then to Him shall you all be returned [for judgment]} 2:28.
    • Muslims believe that all humans will stand for trial at the Day of Judgment. Rewarded in Heaven shall be those who were righteous, and punished in Hell shall be those who were evil. {Then those who disbelieved shall be driven to Hell in companies} 39:71. {But those who feared their Lord shall be ushered to the Garden [of Paradise] in [honored] companies} 39:72.
  6. Believing in Divine Predestination (Al-Qadar):
    • Divine Predestination (Al-Qadar) is everything God (Allah) has ordained and permitted both good and evil, before creating His creation.
    • Muslims believe that there are four aspects of Al-Qadar:
  • Knowledge: Muslims believe that God (Allah) has full knowledge of everything in the universe whether minor or major. {Didn’t you know that Allah knows all that is in heaven and on earth? Surely this is in a book; surely this is easy to Allah.} 22:70
  • Written destiny: Muslims believe that God (Allah) has recorded everything in a Book that was kept with Him in Heavens; it is called “The Preserved Book.” {And with Him are the keys of [all that is hidden]; none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in [or on] the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth or anything fresh or dry, but is written in a clear record.} 6:59.
  • Divine Will: Muslims believe that nothing happens but by God’s (Allah) permission and Will. It is when God (Allah) wishes something it happens. {And Allah does what He wills.} 14:27.
  • The Creation: Muslims believe that Allah is the sole creator of all creation and that He endowed them with their attributes and abilities. {Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the Guardian over all things.} 39:62. {And Allah has created you and what you make.} 37:96.

By Sh. Kifah Mustapha

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