Every time we hear a story about how our Messenger and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), we should truly take the time to think about it. What did he (PBUH) say and what can we learn from that? Who did he say it to in the first place? What was that person thinking and feeling at that time? Lastly, why did whatever he said/did register and stick with the person and that moment became what they shared with people years later? This life altering advice was given by a great teacher of ours, Abdul-Malik Ryan, at the Orland Park Prayer Center’s GPS Program this November.

As Abdul-Malik Ryan started to tell us stories about the prophet (PBUH) and his companions, what he called “The Beloved’s Community,” he began with a story narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA). Abu Hurairah was a poor and homeless man at the time of the prophet, and the prophet (PBUH) always had a way of making people feel special: even the lowest in society. Abu Hurairah narrated a story in which the prophet saw him in a deeper light than he even saw himself. Not only did he see he was hungry, but he saw that he needed a mission in life. Therefore, he made sure to provide that to Abu Hurairah in whatever way he possibly could. Not only did he give him enough milk to get full, but he made sure to give him a way to feed the other homeless people from the shelter that night. Within the story, the prophet was the last one to drink from the milk. Imagine that. The prophet of Allah (SWT) was the one who always put everyone’s needs above his own. It is a truly beautiful thought. It’s even more beautiful to consider that this was all to, not only feed, but make a homeless man feel useful.

There were many stories that we received from Abdul-Malik Ryan at November’s GPS, but another beautiful one dealt with disbelievers. Disbelievers that were very hostile to the religion in the prophet’s Meccan time would mock Islam and the prophet (PBUH). We were given an example in which they were trying to mock him by telling him if he could get the mountain of Uhud into gold, they would believe in Islam. The prophet, knowing that Allah (SWT) has that kind of great power, and more, asked if they were serious. When they said yes, he made duaa for it to happen. Allah (SWT) sent Jibreel down to tell him that Allah is willing to do it, but if they still do not believe after that, they will get a punishment like no other. The other option was that He (SWT) does not do it, and the doors of mercy and repentance will stay open. The prophet (PBUH), not wanting to risk it and never wanting to close the option of mercy on anyone, chose that option. He cared about even the people who considered him an enemy.

May Allah (SWT) give us the heart to take on characteristics of the prophet (PBUH). There were many other beautiful stories that were given that night and this piece does not do any of them justice. Please feel free to watch the full lecture on Facebook @GPSOPPC and enjoy!

G.P.S is a monthly program for college students and young adults that is held at the Orland Park Prayer Center every third Saturday of every month. Thank you Ustadh Abdul-Malik Ryan for the beautiful stories about “The Beloved’s Community.” May Allah (SWT) reward you. And may He (SWT) give every one of us the ability to implement the lessons our prophet (PBUH) taught us.

By Aydah Nofal

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