Ramadan is an extreme wake-up call. It is the month of realization. The Shaytan is locked up, but we are still sinning; he has got to you. Without any more effort, he has instilled a habit in us. We sin without consideration. That one sin that was instilled in you could be the reason you miss the opportunity of Jannah. We don’t even realize that the one sin could be us trading in our afterlife for this dunyah. However, if we realize this before it happens, we can break that habit.
Ramadan is a wake-up call, but it is also a month that proves our strength. It all goes back to one question: how much will we sacrifice for our Creator SWT? Will we sacrifice our comfortable routine for Him SWT? Scientifically, it takes 21 days to develop or break a habit. Ramadan gives us 30 days: a week on top of the typical amount of days. Most of us do use those days. We stop our bad habits, our sins, for 30 days. Or at least from dawn, to sundown. That is how Ramadan shows us our strength. It shows us that from, at least, dawn to sundown, we can stay away from our desires. The desires, whether forbidden by Allah SWT or not, that distract us from Him SWT and His commands on a regular basis. The only problem is that after the month is over, we go back to our sins. That is something we absolutely cannot let happen this year.
On top of Ramadan being a wake-up call and showing us our strengths, it should also be the month of accomplishments. With the distractions and sins out of the way, I urge each and every one of you to make goals. Aim to memorize Quran throughout this blessed month. Aim to learn the meaning of the Quran you already know; let the words of the ultimate Creator SWT seep into your heart and mind. Aim to memorize some of the duaas for your everyday activities. Better yourself. Do more good. In all, just be the good that Allah SWT commands us to be. Ramadan only makes it easier to achieve; so take advantage of this month of goodness.
By Aydah Nofal