Major Signs of Judgment Day

Believing in the signs of the Hour is part of our belief in the Unseen (Al-Ghaib) without which the belief of a Muslim is incomplete. Signs of the Day of Judgment are many; some have already passed like Prophet Mohammad’s prophecy, his death, 30 imposters etc. Some are minor signs like the extreme increases in […]
S.A.D (Serotonin and Depression)

low serotonin no serotonin inability to create this chemical, depression, no focus I detach myself like petals fall off the lotus I disassociate like I disappear, hocus pocus low serotonin no serotonin your friends need to check in so be at reception at the front desk customer service for their mental health make sure they’re […]
My Dear Muslim Sibling…

Don’t be afraid… we’re in this together. No matter what, all of us forever As you get older, it’s harder to keep a smile on your face It’s because life becomes a test you can’t ace People will hurt, disappoint, and leave you broken You’ll soon learn that life, is a precious token But it’s […]
صفحة من الذاكرة

في ذلك الحي الصغير الوادع، وفي يوم من أيام الصيف المعتدلة، خرج الناس من مسجد الحي وقد أدَّوْا صلاة العصر في جماعة، وتفرق الناس كل إلى حاجته، وأمام المسجد مباشرة حيث البناء ذو الطوابق الخمسة، جَمعٌ من الفتيان، أكبرهم سناً لم يتعد السابعة عشر من العمر، كان عددهم كبيراً، يملؤون الطريق… ثم ما لبثوا أن […]
Muhsen Eid Program

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said “The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, and empathy is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches.” OPPC has taken one huge step closer to that way of thinking. Using our collaboration and certification with Muhsen, this Eid Al-Fitr marked our […]
De-Extinction VS Resurrection
ALLAH, subhanahu wata’la sums up the creation and development of the human being in many verses in the Qur’an and presents it as an example of HIS ability to bring back the dead. Examples include: verse (22:5): O People, if you should be in doubt about the Resurrection, then [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” […]

البوصلة ستجري بك سفينة الحياة و كلما أوغلت في محيطاتك .. ستتذكر كلمات الربان العجوز الذي عبرك ذات موج..عندما قال لك هذا البحر..ليس ما ترى بل ليس كما ترى.. أي بُنيّ إلزم بوصلتك و احمل زادك و كن ذا حزمٍ مع نفسك فإنّ السالكين إلى مولاهم إنّما سلكوا دروباّ وعرة زادُهُم اليقين و رفيقُهم ذكرُ […]