Observe God Not Deeds

When engaging in acts of worship like prayer, fasting, or Hajj, the main focus for many people is how to perfect their deeds to attain rewards and erase sinful acts. For example, when people are praying in congregation their main focus might be to make sure there are no gaps in the lines, or when […]
Faith Today

Everyone wants to fit in, make a good image of themself. Don’t get me wrong; image is important. Remembering who you are, hanging on to your faith- those are important too, and easy to forget in between everything going on in your life. Keep in mind the words of the prophet, peace be upon him, […]
To Grow, or Not to Grow: That is the Question

i didn’t know you’d stunt my growth i was locked up like i was on death row death row, dead rose a flower stuck inside where gardens won’t grow fake plant, synonymous with faux, factory-made, no water, no air flow no system at work, no photo- synthesis, it’s a no-go no growth. my insecurities show […]
العودة إلى المدارس

رُوي عن زِر بن حُبيْش، قالَ: أَتَيتُ صفوانَ بن عسَّال المُرادي، فقال: ما جاء بك؟ فقلت ابتِغَاء العلم، قال: “فإِنَّ الْمَلَائِكَةَ تَضَعُ أَجْنِحَتَهَا لِطَالِبِ الْعِلْمِ رِضًا بِمَا يَطْلُبُ” (سنن الترمذي)، فهنيئاً لأبنائنا وبناتنا عودتهم للمدارس من جديد، فقد عادوا إلى طلب العلم، وهل يسمو المرء ويعلو إلا بالعلم؟ فقد صدقوا يوم أنشدوا: العلم يبني بيوتاً […]
WAKE UP (America)

We are men, we are not machines in the world of greed. Display love when the world lacks to display the peace. We are more than flesh and bones, we are emotion. We are happiness, love, hope, we are poetry in motion. Humans are the greatest creations ever crafted, But fail to maintain that statement […]
على خطى الأنبياء

كانت الحكايةُ وفيةً منذُ زمن حينَ ذهبَ إبراهيم الخليل بزوجته سيّدة الرضا و ابنه فلذة كبده في وادٍ غير ذي زرع لا ماء فيه ولا أنيس كل هذه كانت تفاصيل لا تعنيها لم تسأل غير سؤال جوهري واحد ” آلله أمرك ” ؟! فلما قال لها : أجل قالت : اذهب فلن يضيعنا الله ثم […]
Prayer (Salaat) in Islam (Pt 3)

Bowing or “Ruku’: A Symbol of Transcendence The state of Istiqama or straightness in the Muslim prayer is followed by ruku’ or bowing. Allah Akbar frees oneself from a current summit to aspire to a new one. Subhana Rabbia Al-adhim that we say and repeat during ruku’ frees oneself from going down. “Subhana-Allah” means literally […]