..البحث عن الذات

“إن كنت تبحث عن مسكن الروح فأنت الروح، وإن كنت تفتش عن قطعة خبز، فأنت الخبز، وإن استطعت أن تدرك هذه الفكرة، فسوف تفهم أن كل ما تبحث عنه، هو أنت.” (جلال الدين الرومي). الهويةُ الماثلةُ في حياة الانسان وكونه هي تلك الحقيقة التي يقوم عليها وجوده، وهي العبودية. تلك العبودية التي ينبغي أن نتكلم […]

Beautiful Palestine

Wow Falastine you’re so beautiful. It’s a shame, you’re not displayed in your truest form. Give me a chance to show you off to the whole world. I mean, don’t you know you’re better than these other girls? Don’t you know how strong you are, with all your potential? You carry around with you, you’re […]

The Responsibility of the Intellectual in Society

Inner transformation precedes social transformation Inner transformation starts by returning to self and asking the critical questions: Who am I? Where, and what do I want to be? Inner transformation means blaming nobody for my shortcomings. “Say to them: It is from yourselves.” (2:165) “Nor do I absolve my own self.” (12:53)  “Nay, man will […]


تتمسّكُ بِذيلِ ثوبِها فيغمُرُكَ الأمان حتى تسْكُنَ كل مخاوفك.. و تدُسّ رأسكَ في حِجرِها فتهدأَ كلّ صراعاتك و تتلفتّ يمنةً مرة و يسرَةً أخرى تبحثُ عن أصداء دعواتها لك فتُخمَد كل ثوَراتك.. أتذكُرُ حينَ أتيتها باكياً من عثرةٍ تعثّرتَها في مشاكسةٍ مع صديق الحيّ!! هل ما زال عطفُ يدِها على جرح ساقك دافئاً!؟ تُرى كيف […]

Deep Breath

It’s crazy how you can have a good time turn into a bad memory so quickly. You run home, excited, almost skipping – you’re happy. And then you’re not because your normal life puts you back in your place like you were physically hit in the face. It’s relentless this time and comes back for […]

You Are Not Alone

Knowing God through His mighty names and attributes is the foundation for never feeling alone or lonely. Many people look to the social arena for the feeling of safety and security because when you are with family or friends or even strangers you feel a sense of tranquility. The famous Ibn Khaldun said: “The human […]


You’re exhausted from trying to be stronger than you feel. You’re hungry, not starving, but can’t eat a meal. You’re hurting, not physically, but mentally I see You’re sad, you say “pain radiates through me” They say stars can’t shine without darkness But the stars are so distant you feel hopeless If you wish upon […]

Financial Privilege

This for all the people out here goin’ through the struggle. I’m talkin’ real life struggle, workin’ nine to nine doubles. People claim money’s tight but stay rollin’ the dice. Ain’t got no bills to pay homie? Man I swear that must be nice. I don’t know what I gotta do, or what I gotta […]

ميزان المُلْكِ

في صلاة العشاء في مسجدنا منذ أيام، كنا نقرأ قول الله تعالى من سورة البقرة حول قصة الملأ من بني إسرائيل لما طلبوا من نبيهم ملِكاً قائداً يقودهم حتى يستعيدوا حقوقاً سُلبت منهم وأراضٍ نهبها أعداؤهم، فأجابهم النبي بأمر الله على ما أرادوا: “إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَدْ بَعَثَ لَكُمْ طَالُوتَ مَلِكًا ۚ قَالُوا أَنَّىٰ يَكُونُ لَهُ […]

Muslim State of Mind

Here I am, looking out in the open Wondering why it seems to be closing? These different headlines and big signs Make my people seem like they have to hide Everyday is a struggle, Every day is a chance To make sure that those words and stigmas are crushed Muslim State of Mind, Muslim State […]

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