مبادئ في الدَّعوة

ونحن في شهر الربيع – ربيع الأنور – نقف اليوم وقفة مع النبي ﷺ خلد الله سطورها في القرآن العظيم منذ مطلع نور بعثته عليه السلام، من رحاب ذلك الغار المعتم الذي أنار الكون كله، وبعث في الدنيا نور الهداية والاستقامة… نقف مع سورة المدثر التي كانت من أوائل ما أنزل على سيدنا محمد ﷺ، […]
The Mighty Court of God

Indeed, each one of us will report to Allah (SW) at the Day of Judgment and will stand for account. Allah (SW) called the Day of Judgment the Day of Reckoning in 38:16 as all will be brought to the ultimate court of justice where no one will be wronged. In this court, there is […]
Creation and Science in the Vision of a New Era

Quran was sent down to enter into the life of humanity at the right time, on a night of calculated measure. “We have indeed revealed it in the night of right measure.” [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” […]
Save a Life

Dear people of the world, who have felt so alone and endured pain in such ways, you believe many people cannot understand. Yet we do understand, we are here for you in every way, shape or form. Allah is here for you, waiting for you to seek guidance from Him. As a Muslim and a […]
دور المرأة في الإسلام

إن أكثر ما يشغل بال الآباء والأمهات في مثل هذه الأيام هو كيفية تربية أبنائهم التربية الصحيحة الصالحة، ويظن كثير منهم إن لم يكن مجموعهم أن تربية أبنائهم تبدأ منذ ولادة هؤلاء الأبناء، والحق أن تربية الأبناء تبدأ من لحظة اختيار الزوج زوجتَه، من لحظة اختيار شريك الحياة، وقد صدق من قال أن أول حقوق […]
Five Ways to Awaken Your Spirituality

Understand the Book of Allah The Quran has been present for thousands of years preaching the same message, tawhid. Allah is the Most High and the Most Merciful. The 114 chapters (surahs) in the Quran are like a guidebook for the believer. Every surah in the Quran speaks to the believers differently. If you are […]
Dear Lord

Dear Lord, The Most High, the All Great The All Knowing, the All Seeing, the All Brave The Lifegiver, the Caretaker, the All Praised It’s me again, the boy created as Your slave. I’m back- And I just have a couple things on my chest That I’d like to address, and who better to ask […]
Dear Friend

Dear Friend, I know you’ve had a lot on your plate recently. In case no one has told you yet, that’s okay. It’s okay to be so busy you spend less time on others, and it’s okay to focus on yourself, and it’s okay if you’re just now figuring it out. You’re growing. You’re changing. […]
عاشوراء … ثورة في وجه الطغيان

بعد أن هاجر الرسول – صلى الله عليه وسلم – إلى المدينة المنورة، وجد أن اليهود الذين يسكنون بجوار المدينة وما حولها يصومون يوم عاشوراء، ويحتفلون به ويعظمونه ويتخذونه عيدا لهم، فلما سألهم – صلى الله عليه وسلم – عن سبب ذلك الاحتفال بهذا اليوم قالوا: هذا يوم عظيم، أنجى الله فيه موسى وقومه بني […]
The Hijrah as Metaphor

Hijrah is the vision that enables the believers through history to position themselves in time and space and decide where they are going. Hijrah is the metaphor for liberation, renewal, and rebirth. Hijrah is the hope and the aspiration for a better future. Historicity (the quality of being part of recorded history) is usually a […]