Islamic Economic Ethics

Wealth or money was referred to as ‘maintenance’ in Islam because you need it to maintain your wellbeing and the wellbeing of those under your care; Allah (SW) said: {Do not give those who are [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ […]
What If?

What if I die tomorrow… Will all my pain and sorrow, fade away from existence, along with all things borrowed? If it were to happen, would my problems erase? Will I no longer have any issues to face? No more tests to study and ace? If I leave the world today What will everyone say? […]
من ثقافة اللا أين

“ما أجمل الجري دون تهوّرٍ وتعثُّرٍ” لغةُ العِرفان التي تحدثنا فيها، ونتحدث، ليست “تطويقاً” لطاقاتِ الانسان وتجميداً لها كما يتوهم البعض. إنها الاُهْبَة الباعثة للهمّة والحركة والتجدد بلغةِ الحُبّ.. وإنني يا قارئي هنا في حديث عن “الوجدانية” الفاعلة والمُنفعلة والمتوثبة نحو الحركة والبناء وإبداع ما هو أروع. فكل ما قيل بالأمس يذهب مع الأمس بلغة […]

The truth is that we never truly find ourselves. It does not take a moment or a certain event that takes place in our lives for us to find who we are. In order for us to find ourselves within, we must have the ability to accept what has been found. Self-growth is a process […]
Addiction is such a heavy word, and usually it makes us think of things we would never do. We think we’re safe from the struggle of addiction, but that isn’t the case for any of us. We all have internal battles with some kind of addiction, whether it’s obviously harmful or seems innocent. We’re super […]
أربعة مذاهب! … لماذا؟

“صليت العصر قبل موعد أذانه بالمسجد على المذهب الحنفي، فهل صلاتي صحيحة؟”، “ما الفرق بين المذهب الحنفي وبقية المذاهب؟”، “لماذا لدينا أربعة مذاهب أصلا؟ ولم لا نجتمع على مذهب واحد؟”، “هل يجب عليّ ابتاع مذهب معين من هذه المذاهب الأربعة؟ وهل يجب أن ألتزم به في كل أموري؟ وهل يجوز لي الانتقال من مذهب إلى […]
Universal Phenomena in Quran: Creation in Pairs

Quran is unique in presenting many cosmic and social phenomena in a general and universal manner. In doing so, Quran addresses them at the highest level of knowledge and understanding. Creation in pairs is another universal phenomenon: “And of everything We have created pairs: that you may remember.” [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” […]
!اطلُبِ العِلْمَ ولَو في الصين

بادئ ذي بدء أصلي على المبعوث رحمة وهداية في الدنيا وصُحبة وشفاعة في الآخرة، محمدٍ صلى الله عليه وسلم، الذي ما قال قط: اطلُبِ العِلْمَ ولَو في الصين!، بل قال وهو المبلغ بالحق عن الحق: “طلبُ العلم فريضة على كل مسلم” (سنن ابن ماجه)، أمَا وقد عنْوَنْتُ مقالي بما قرأتم فهو لصحة المعنى، وسلامة المُعَنّى؛ […]
Who Do You Think You Are?

Six words. One question. A huge answer. Who am I? Well, that’s a great question because you see, I, myself, am searching for the answer. Who am I becoming? That’s an even better question as I wish I knew. Who was I? I was a lost girl in a world full of hatred and mistreatment […]
writers block, give or take

i’m thinking about how time flies and of my timed comebacks and replies, the juice i had, left with my will to die and left me to keep wondering why it was when i’d think about the grave that my mind was alive. now i’m up seven days a week and have to schedule when […]