Everyone wants to fit in, make a good image of themself. Don’t get me wrong; image is important. Remembering who you are, hanging on to your faith- those are important too, and easy to forget in between everything going on in your life. Keep in mind the words of the prophet, peace be upon him, that “The people will see a time of patience in which someone adhering to his religion will be as if he were grasping a hot coal” (Anas ibn Malik). In other words, its normal to have a ups and downs in your level of faith and there is definitely a lot of distractions in life to do that to a person. Some days you won’t be able to see the point in keeping away bad habits, praying, fasting, or whatever it is at the moment. On these days try to remind yourself why this is the way we live as muslims. And feel guilty when you slip up. God placed that guilt in you to guide you back.  You’re doing just fine, and with time you’ll learn to see the beauty in the things that you find hard today.


By Shereen Rammaha

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