This for all the people out here goin’ through the struggle.

I’m talkin’ real life struggle, workin’ nine to nine doubles.

People claim money’s tight but stay rollin’ the dice.

Ain’t got no bills to pay homie? Man I swear that must be nice.

I don’t know what I gotta do, or what I gotta prove.

Either I pay help with the mortgage, or my car is overdue.

My dudes ask me to chill, but I’m sure we can all agree; can’t be hangin’ with the homies when there’s a family to feed.

Don’t take advantage of your parents, listen please, when I tell you swear to God money never grew on trees.

Sick of all the fake now I’m allergic to it. When people say they got it “bad” just to impress?

My man you’re really out here grindin’ with them hours.

20 hour workweek got you thinkin’ you got powers. In reality you a bum living off daddy’s money.

No days off and we STILL go hungry.

Get outta here.

By Ameer Saleh

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