Preventing the Spread of COVID-19

 {Yet do not cast your souls, by your own hands, into destruction.} 2:195
Due to the recent mandates by the CDC and the state of Illinois, the Prayer Center has taken the difficult decision to cancel all adult, youth, and children’s programs and classes until the risk of contagion has been alleviated, effective immediately. The Friday Jumuah prayers are also cancelled beginning Friday March 20, 2020. Some classes will continue online. Students will be notified by their instructors with the specifics. While the Prayer Center remains open at the present time, you are kindly urged to pray at home to minimize the risks to yourselves and others. We will keep you updated of any changes.
Click to Watch Not an Ordinary Friday
Here’s how you can do your part to lower the risks:
* Current data has shown that older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.
    1) If you’re an older adult or have any medical condition or lowered immunity, please do not come to the masjid.
    2) Women, especially pregnant women, and children should avoid coming to the masjid.
    3) If you do come to the masjid to pray, try to come with wudu to avoid close contact in washrooms.
    4) If you have symptoms of any illness, such as fever, cough, sore throat, or respiratory ailments, please do not come to the masjid.
    5) Follow the guidelines from the CDC to prevent infection such as frequent hand washing, avoiding close contact, etc.

Click Here for CDC Guidelines

May Allah protect our community and our families. Ameen.

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