Reaping the Fruits of Ramadan

Is time to bid the most holy month farewell. The month of Quran, forgiveness, blessings, and fasting has parted. Ramadan has left us with the remaining 11 months of this next year. In reality, Ramadan is here to train us for the rest of the year. Now that Ramadan has come to an end, we find ourselves asking, what is next? What do we do now? It may even feel very hard to say goodbye to the joys and fruits of Ramadan. We worshiped, read the Quran, prayed in the Masjid, and prayed Tahajjud more than we have ever done before outside of the Holy month. Now we are sad to have seen it end. However, it does not have to be that way. As Muslims, we worship Allahﷻ every day year-round. Of course, our spirituality is not going to be as high as it is in Ramadan, and that is just one of the several blessings it has. There are multiple ways that we could maintain this close connection to Allahﷻ and His Messengerﷺ outside of Ramadan. I will provide 3 of my best advice for maintaining a close connection to Allahﷻ and His Messengerﷺ after Ramadan discontinues.

First, our beloved Prophetﷺ stated that whoever fasts the month of Ramadan and then follows it with the six days of Shawwal, Allahﷻ will reward them as if they fasted the entire year. Shawwal is the month following Ramadan and all we have to do is fast any 6 days within this month to attain this reward. If we fasted an entire month, 6 days should not be a problem at all for us. Especially if we want to keep that special feeling of spirituality. Most people decline in worship and spirituality following the end of Ramadan, which means that most people will not fast outside of this month. However, Prophet Muhammadﷺ is trying to tell us that we should not give up fasting just because the month is over. As Muslims, our worship never stops.

Another way to keep the fruits of Ramadan within us throughout the year is to pray as many prayers in the Masjid. Abu Huraira reported: The Prophetﷺ said, “Whoever goes to the mosque in the morning and evening, Allahﷻ will prepare for him a place in Paradise for every morning and evening.” The reward of praying in congregation in the house of Allahﷻ is greater than any prayer we make at home. At least try to maintain one prayer a day in the Masjid. Whether it is Isha, Fajr, or Dhuhr, we should try and maintain one prayer a day at least just so that our day could be filled with barakah (blessings).

Oftentimes with the end of Ramadan, we tend to disconnect or become further away from the Holy Quran. Unfortunately, many Muslims put the Quran on the shelf and never touch it until the next Ramadan arrives. The Quran will literally gather dust while sitting on the shelf all year long. In the Quran, Allahﷻ says “It has a cure for all people.” Whatever you are seeking from the Quran when reading it, Allahﷻ will give you. If you are feeling sad and open the Quran seeking to find happiness, it will give it to you. If you are feeling stressed and open the Quran seeking relief, then it will give it to you. Regardless of how busy, stressed, or sad you become, always find time to open and just read the Quran every single day. Even if it is just a couple of ayas. Surely, the Quran will be the reason that your life is full of blessings and glad tidings.

There is one hadith that is simple and to the point, yet very effective on the life of a Muslim. Abu Huraira mentioned, “My friend (the Prophet ﷺ advised me to observe three things: (1) to fast three days a month; (2) to pray two rak`at of Duha prayer (forenoon prayer); and (3) to pray witr before sleeping.) These are three simple acts of worship that have a worth that is greater than you could imagine on the Day of Judgement. If this is a simple advice of the Prophet ﷺ, then surely there is goodness and blessings in it. The believer should not let Ramadan exit without having been forgiven of their sins, as our beloved Messenger ﷺ stated. At least, with the parting of this month, let’s implement these free acts of worship in our lives.

Alhamdulillah, we have completed a long month of fasting, of which was full of worships. It was a month of Quran recitation, reflection, and memorization, qiyam prayers, lectures, and much more. It was a month of hard work. Allahﷻ blesses us now with a reward for this effort, and that is of course Eid Al-Fitr. Eid is a day intended for celebration of completion of this holy month. It is a day of family, generosity, and joy. Attend the Eid prayer with your family, visit your loved ones, and give your loved ones gifts to bring happiness and excitement to them. May Allahﷻ accept our Ramadan and Eid Mubarak to all.

By Ahmad Salah

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