The New Wellness Center

The Prayer Center is celebrating another milestone and blessing this month after purchasing our new Arbury Hills School in Mokena. After many months of remodeling our other new building adjacent to the masjid, we were finally able to get all the inspections passed from the village of Orland Park to open our new Wellness Center, […]

The Responsibility of the Enlightened in Society

The responsibility in society is huge and requires a different quality of the human being. Who is this enlightened human being, and what are his or her tasks? Inner transformation precedes social transformation Inner transformation starts by returning to self and asking the critical questions: Who am I? Where, and what do I want to […]

The Essence of Success: Understanding Tawfeeq from Allah, What is Tawfeeq?

Tawfeeq is a beautiful and profound concept in Islam. It refers to the divine guidance and support from Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) that empowers a person to succeed in righteous deeds and find true happiness both in this world and the Hereafter. Unlike worldly success, Tawfeeq is about aligning our actions with what pleases Allah. The […]

Upholding Islamic Moral Values

اسلامی اخلاقی اقدار کو برقرار رکھنا   اسلام ایک ہم آہنگ معاشرے کی تشکیل کے لیے بنیادی عناصر کے طور پر اخلاقی اقدار اور اخلاقی معیارات پر بہت زیادہ زور دیتا ہے۔  ان اصولوں پر عمل پیرا ہو کر، افراد اندرونی انسانی اقدار اور ایک ضابطہ اخلاق کو فروغ دے سکتے ہیں جو باہمی احترام اور […]

Youth Between Yesterday and Today

 الشبابُ بين الأمسِ واليوم      الحمد لله ربِّ العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمدٍ وعل آله وأصحابه أجمعين:      إن انحرافَ الشباب وفسادِهم وسوءِ أخلاقِهم من المخاطرِ العظيمةِ التي تُهدّد أمنَ المجتمع، وتسبّبُ ضياعَ الأمّة. إذا كان المجتمعُ يعاني من تبعاتِ البطالة وآثارِ المخدرات ونتائجِ التكفير فإن انحرافَ الشبابَ لا يَقِلُّ خطورةً عن ذلك؛ لأن […]

Prophetic Qualities: Mercy and Compassion

‏وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين             “And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.” (Surat Al-Anbiya, Verse 107) (Translation from Sahih International) Last month, we began a short new series that still falls under the theme of Quranic Reflections, as Prophetic Qualities. These prophetic qualities can be seen […]

We Bought a New School and We Need Your Support!

For the past 7 years, we have been looking for a new property that can cater to the growing number of our community members, especially the children and the youth. Two major issues were always ahead of us. The first was to find a place zoned for religious or educational use without going for a […]

The Quranic Meaning of Enlightenment

When you internalize the light of Allah in your heart you become a universal human being. Quran provides humanity with a comprehensive and holistic worldview, in particular to those who accepted it as their reference for meaning and direction. “Verily, Quran is a reminder to all worlds, to whoever among you wills to go straight.” […]

Holding Fast to Faith: Navigating Trials in a Challenging World

In today’s world, filled with trials and tribulations, maintaining faith and steadfastness can be daunting. Allah reminds us in the Quran that life is a test, and we will face challenges with our wealth, health, family, and freedom. Yet, those who remain patient and steadfast are promised rewards beyond imagination. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be […]

The Art of Recitation

متعدد افراد نے قرآن مجید کو ایک تحریری کتاب کے طور پر تلاش کیا ہے۔ وہ اس کے ذخیرہ الفاظ، ترجمہ اور تفسیر کے تجزیے میں مشغول ہیں۔ تاہم، اس بات کو اکثر نظرانداز کیا جاتا ہے کہ قرآن ابتدائی طور پر زبانی روایت تھا۔   قرآن کو زبانی طور پر بولا اور پہنچایا گیا […]

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