Lessons from the Life of Prophet Musa: Confronting Adversity with Faith

Musa (AS), one of the great messengers of Allah, faced numerous challenges particularly with his own people and the Pharaoh. These trials tested his faith, leadership, and devotion to Allah, ultimately bringing him closer to the Almighty. One of the primary challenges Musa encountered was convincing his people to believe in the message of Allah. […]

Human Responsibility Part 6

The description of paradise and hell fire is unique in Quran. It is interesting to note that the description of paradise is by far more detailed and extensive compared to that of hell fire. Take for example Surah “Al-Rahman” you find two long passages about paradise while only two short verses are dedicated for the […]

Disbelief, Oppression and Transgression – Part 1

الحمد لله وسعت رحمته كلّ شيء فلا قنوط, وهو العدل فلا باطل يعلو على حق, وهو الأول فليس قبله  شيء, وهو الآخر فليس بعده شيء وهو الذي على كلّ شيء قدير . كثيراً ما يأتي القرآن بألفاظ متقاربة المعاني في الآيات المتشابهة أو المتقاربة الموضع. ومما لا شكّ فيه أن بين هذه الألفاظ فروقاً دقيقة […]

Marriage is a Journey of Love and Responsibility

As Muslims, we believe that marriage is an act of worship towards God. The Prophet (ﷺ) urged Muslims to marry and considered marriage as half of one’s religion. He said: “When a man marries, he has fulfilled half of the religion; so let him fear God regarding the remaining half.”[1] In Islam, real servants of […]

Life Insurance and the Ruling on Dealing with it for Muslims in the West

التأمين على الحياة وحكم التعامل به للمسلمين في الغرب د. هيثم زماعرة من المسائل التي يكثر السؤال عنها في المجتمعات المسلمة التي تعيش في الغرب، وتحديدا في الولايات المتحدة، قضية (التأمين على الحياة) ومدى جواز التعامل بهذا النوع من المعاملات. وهذه القضية وإن كانت أكثر انتشارا في الغرب، إلا أن هذا لا يمنع من وجودها […]

The Power of Patience

Patience is like a superpower in Islam. It’s this incredible quality that helps us navigate the ups and downs of life with strength, resilience, and unshakeable faith. Whether it’s in our family, work, or our spiritual journey, patience plays a crucial role in finding success and contentment. The Quran tells us in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:153), […]

A Reminder for the Mindful

وَأَقِمِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ طَرَفَيِ ٱلنَّهَارِ وَزُلَفٗا مِّنَ ٱلَّيۡلِۚ إِنَّ ٱلۡحَسَنَٰتِ يُذۡهِبۡنَ ٱلسَّيِّـَٔاتِۚ ذَٰلِكَ ذِكۡرَىٰ لِلذَّـٰكِرِينَ          ﴾11:114﴿ Thus ˹O Prophet˺ duly establish the Prayer at both ends of the day, and at the near hours of the night. Indeed, good deeds remove misdeeds. This is a reminder for those who would be mindful and reflect on this […]

The Human Beings of Al-Hajj

The Human Beings of Al-Hajj The House of Allah is beautiful, you have described it completely. Now show us a sign of the Lord of the House. You say you have visited the garden, where are your roses? You are coming out of the sea, you say, where is the pearl of your soul? These […]

Relativity in Arabic Language

الترادف وشبيهه الحمد لله حمداً لا ينفد أوله ولا ينقطع آخره. له الحمد في الأولى والآخرة، وله الحمد من قبل ومن بعد. له الحمد آناء الليل وأطراف النهار, وفي كل وقتٍ وعلى كل حال. الحمد لله كتب على عباده فرائض وجازاهم عليها, وأمرهم بعبادات وأثابهم عليها. لقد اهتمّ علماء اللّغة العربيّة القدماء بمسألة الفروق اللغويّة […]

Muslims and Illness

In this article, you will be introduced to the basic concepts of Islam in relation to Illness and faith. Spiritual Understanding Muslims believe that our main purpose in life is to worship God at all times. Allah (ﷻ) said: {And [know that] I have not created [either] jinn or human beings [for any other end] […]

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